PLG Newsletter Summer 2004

President’s Message

My name is Theresa Troyan and I would like to thank every one of you for electing me as your president. I know that you will give me the same encouragement that you gave Amy. This is a privilege and an honor that I will take very seriously. With your assistance we will have a very exciting two years. The next mini workshop will be the week of July 12. On July 12th we will be needle tatting. July 13th, take a look at beautiful old/antiquelace. July 14th, wheat weaving and July 15th, discussing and looking at a Santina Levey work, entitled A History, as well as other interesting books and magazines. I would like to encourage you to come to one or all of these mini-workshops. Put these dates on you calendar and treat yourself to a

wonderful week, you deserve it! I would also like you to come so I as your new president can meet you. I know I have met many of you on our Thursday lace making nights. But, I still would like to meet the rest of our group. Thursday nights we make lace, help, and encourage one another, all while we have a wonderful time! Everybody needs a break from our stressful week, so why not join us on Thursday night. We still meet at the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church from7:00-9:00. So come have a good time and get some lace made. I have been making lace for two years and I truly enjoy my Thursday night. The PLG is a wonderful group because of your support and encouragement. Thanks again! – Theresa Troya

No articles appearing in this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of the author.

Thank You Very Much

When Mayra Petretti of Mayra’s Lace Threads was here for the April workshop, she donated 12 copies of “Threads for Lace: A survey and comparison Chart of over 600 lacemaking and other threads,” by Brenda Paternoster to be given to members of the lace group. The group already owns a copy and so Mayra’s books were handed out to members of the Thursday night class on a first come, first served basis. Many “thank yous” go to Mayra for her generosity.
Calendar of Future Events

Thursday, June 3, 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Thursday, July 1, 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Monday, July 12 through Thursday, July 15th 7:00 P.M. Mini-Workshops at Grace Reformed Church
August 1-8, I.O.L.I. Convention in Harrisburg
Thursday, August 12, 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, Aug. 25, Deadline to turn in Articles to be included in the Fall Newsletter
Thursday, September 2, 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Silk Threads, 1415 East Carson Street.

Recent Events
The Second Great Lace Race
-by Robin Panza

The Martin Luther King holiday has traditions. Like last year, it was the day of the Great Lace Race at Tracy Jackson’s “The Lacemaker” in Ohio. Like last year, the weather was awful and the roads icy. Like last year, it was a load of fun.
This year, I was the only Pittsburgher to make it to the event, but there were plenty of others who made the frigid trip. I hadn’t been to Tracy’s new store, and so got to wander aimlessly through the Ohio countryside, lost as usual. When I finally got there, even later than The Late Ginny Berringer, the store was warm and the lacemakers welcoming. This year’s theme was the second Great Race movie, so we had a “road trip” theme and listened to the movie score. We got white silk racing scarves and did a spontaneous fashion show, finding myriad ways to wear them. Tracy and Marjorie also made us pin cushions, this year in little pie pans to commemorate the infamous “cream pie” scene from the movie. Mine is a green marbled fabric (key lime?), with white lace trim and a green button. We started with “time trials”, and I won! I got a cool, compartmented box (and I do love boxes)!
After a delicious and hearty lunch provided by Bill with contributions from some of the lacemakers, we chose our afternoon projects, “Pie Chart” or “New York to Paris”. The former was a half-circle, rather like a tiny fan in assorted grounds. I chose the latter, a gimp-outlined apple embedded in Paris ground. Marjorie had us all practice (or learn) our color-coded diagramming, and then we set to. This was my chance to explore the new store, bigger and more fun than before with little rooms to organize the subject matter. There’s even a back way (much appreciated, considering the blizzard outside) to “Quilter’s Fancy” next door, a place of exotic fibers, fabrics, charms, and magazines for those who want to embellish quilts or other projects. Several people finished their projects before leaving. Not me, of course, but several people. Tracy and Barb gave me instructions for getting home by a different route, and I didn’t even get lost once! All in all, it was a thoroughly fun day.
Thank you, Tracy and Marjorie

Phipps Conservatory

-by Suzanne Potter & Amy Gibbons

Phipps Conservatory was visited on March 13 and 14, 2004 by Barb Lis, Robin Panza, Amy Gibbons, Dewi Wong, and Suzanne Potter. The Spring Flower show was out in full bloom. Saturday was a blur of people and flowers. The sales room has moved and has new and interesting items, which were more temptation than Amy needed. On Saturday, Barb was working on her daughter’s wedding handkerchief and Amy was reviewing some Tonder techniques on a small square. Sunday was a very busy day with over 100 people stopping to look and ask questions. Phipps is undergoing a major renovation and, therefore, the most commonly asked question was ” could you tell me where the restrooms are?” After being asked that a few dozen times, we were hoping someone would ask us about our “tatting.” We met many old and new friends and made lace in a beautiful setting. What more could you want. We will be there again Sept. 18 & 19.

Slovak Needle work & Crafts Lecture ~ April 16th

The Summer 2003 “Lace Threads” article about the Folk Festival mentioned a couple with a Slovak Needle & Crafts Shop in Grove City. We invited them to kick off our Lace weekend April 16th. First the drawing goodies were collected by Dewi Wong, Betsy Sykes, Chris Brill-Packard, BarbLis, and Diane Grandstaff and some preliminary shopping and eating. Then Ann and Dave Dayton presented an insightful slide presentation on Slovakia and the people who create Slovak Folk Crafts. The slides were wonderful. Some of the pictures were breathtaking, all were interesting. The shopping that they brought was especially nice, with exquisite cut glass, bobbin lace, woodcarving, and jewelry. Too many goodies to be resisted. They have invited us to come to their shop in Grove City and demonstrate sometime soon. Their presentation was excellent.

The Return of Tonder – a workshop with Guenvor Jorgensen

On the morning of April 17th we met with Guenvor again to try to unravel the mysteries of Tonder. There were a few beginners, which meant that the repeaters could sit quietly and overhear those things which we should remember from last fall. The food was good. The Lace was sufficiently difficult to challenge us. Guenvor is a good and patient teacher. We were pleased to welcome Lee Uptegraff and Chris Brill-Packard to the workshop. Everyone went home on Sunday with a brain full of techniques.

-by Suzanne Potter

On April 3,2004 under the tutelage of Theresa Troyan, a small group of PLG bobbin lace makers were drawn to the dark side. When asked to report on the class, Amy Gibbons said, ” I love needle tatting. I will do it all the time.” Sue Potter said, “I love needle tatting. I will do it all the time.” Joanie Trimble, who bought a kit, but missed the class, said, ” I love needle tatting. I will do it all the time.” Since the general meeting when the class was held(and Theresa was crowned empress–ah– elected president), those attending have walked around glassy eyed with tatting needle in hand.

Another View of Needle Tatting
-by Carol Burrows

My first experience with the lace group was a very satisfying time. I thoroughly enjoyed the needle tatting class. Theresa Troyan was so very well prepared with projects that we actually could complete. And yes, needle tatting is easy. I had done a little of it years ago, but preferred shuttle tatting. There are several reasons that became evident on Saturday. (1), I know that I would lose lots of those needles while when I drop a shuttle the thread is securely attached. I just have to pull the thread up and there is the shuttle. If I dropped a needle I wonder if I would ever find it. (2), I tat while my husband and I travel and think the shuttle is relatively safe, but have you really looked at the 6 inch heavy needle or tried to find a steel crochet hook lost in your vehicle? They just squirm around until they find just the right crevice to hide. (3), When working with two threads you can’t avoid a twist when converting from one thread to another. In order to have a perfectly flat piece you would have to have two needles exactly the same size and I’m sure while working with one the other would come unthreaded. Now I know why I prefer shuttle tatting, but I have to know a little something about needle tatting when people in my classes ask about it. I’ll just say I know this great teacher and hope she is available to take over in the area I don’t want to teach.

Annual Meeting Results

The Lace Group wants to welcome Theresa Troyan as its new president and Joan Trimble is continuing as Treasury goddess, oops Treasurer. Thank you very much Joanie, for your years of service as treasurer. ~ And your years of service as Membership Secretary. ~ And for your years of service as Nominations Chair. ~ And for your years of service as friend. The Lace Group would be lost without you.
After much discussion those present made the following decisions:
Effective immediately the cost of membership has been raised to $15.00 a year.
New library lending policies have been established. After a probationary period of 3 months, along with the $50.00 deposit a person must be an “active member”(see the following article) in good standing to take books out. All damages are the responsibility of the borrower. The following library policies continue in effect. Loans are for a one month period with no renewals.
“Tina” will begin again in the newsletter, since many of the members now have not read the beginning.

What is An active Member
reprinted from the Fall 1998 newsletter

An “active member” is not only a person who pays dues. It includes “a person who demonstrates or speaks in public for the Pittsburgh Lace Group. . . .People who attend meetings . . . and those who attend classes on Thursday nights.” This definition is important because it is necessary to borrow books from the library and gives priority for seats at workshops.

Member moves to Michigan
by Amy Gibbons

Effective June 4th Kim Kozminski has moved to Michigan, Her new address is _ Phone will be _ Her web account is _ she says to make sure to identify yourself clearly in the subject line as this account gets a LOT of spam!) We will miss her cheerful smile and sense of humor. We wish you the best of luck in your new home.

“Thank Yous” recieved

Thank you to the Pittsburgh Lace Group for a wonderful weekend of lacing. My trip home was uneventful. I look forward to future workshops with the group. I am so excited to be working on this current piece of Tønder.
Wishing everyone a happy Spring! Chris Brill-Packard

Thank you once again for creating beautiful lace at Phipps. Our visitors love to see you at work and it is a great addition to their experience. Thank you Margie Radebaugh, Phipps Conservatory

Handkerchif made

Gretchen, Robin, Suzanne & Amy of the Thursday night class have completed a lace edging for a handkerchief for Rev. Lange’s daughter Sara who will be married in August.
Future Events

July 12-15 ~ Mini Workshops

As an experiment we decided to see if the group would like to have a summer lace vacation. For one week we will meet each evening at the Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church at 7:00p.m. Details about refreshments are yet to be worked out. Each evening should be an exciting chance to learn.
Needle Tatting On Monday, July 12 Theresa Troyan our intrepid president will again teach Needle Tatting. She will take on beginners for those of you not fortunate enough to take the initial workshop and continue with those of us who have become needle lace zombies. Supplies to bring: Scissors, Pencil & Paper, Sewing Gauge, Glue, Tatting Thread – Four Colors (#8 pearl cotton or thinner) Theresa will supply the needles at a minimal charge. If you know you are coming, please let her know – phone :_ or E-mail If you are unsure, come any way.
Lace Study On Tuesday, July 13 Carol Burrows is bringing a representative selection of laces from her collection to share with us. This will be an exciting opportunity to look at some beautiful antique lace. So bring your magnifying glass.
Wheat Weaving On Wednesday, July 14 Jennifer Landefeld will demonstrate this technique, show completed projects and answer questions.
Lace Books & Magizines On Thursday, July 15 we will spend time looking at Santina Levy from our library, and copies of “Lace” magazine July 1982 thru April 1995. Bring a paper and pencil to write down any notes.

IOLI Convention

On Saturday, August 7th, PLG will be going as a group to IOLI’s Convention to shop and attend the banquet. Gretchen Baudoux has agreed to organize the trip. Her phone number is _. Have reservations and payment to her by July 22. Cost of the Banquet is $35.00. Details have not been finalized. For more information about convention visit the website click on Lace Convention 2004. Details of the trip will be finalized nearer to the date of the event.

Silk Threads welcomes PLG

Thursday, September 2, the PLG monthly meeting will be held at Silk Threads, 1415 East Carson Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Carol the owner of the store is anxious to see our handiwork, so bring your pillows and we will have a very abbreviated business meeting. In the meantime she has invited us to join her for “Red Hat Parties” held at the store Monday, August 2nd at 1:00pm; and Thursday, August 12th at 6:00pm (wine, anyone?). Call or e-mail to register for either or both. CReichbaum The phone number at the store is 412.481.1666.
Red Hat Parties I’m fairly certain I was in college (i.e., the very early 70’s) when I first read Jenny Joseph’s poem, “When I am an old woman.” You know the one “…I shall wear purple with a red hat that doesn’t go…I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves and satin candles, and say we’ve no money for butter…and make up for the sobriety of my youth.”
The fact is that there are informal Red Hat Societies all over the country. They (women 50 years of age and above) engage in “meet ups” and do nothing other than socialize in whatever ways they elect. It’s all about fun…about enjoying meeting and being with each other! There will be Red Hat Knitting projects available.
Ladies in Waiting – i.e., those of you under the age of 50 You’re invited, too! For more information please call the store.
Call for Contributions!

As always, any and all contributions to this newsletter are most welcome.
Any news about members, other lacemakers, bobbins, threads, patterns, books, stores
vacations. ideas pictures send ’em and keep ’em coming!
e-mail to

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