Lace Threads Winter 2005
President’s Message
Another summer has quickly gone and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Soon we will put up the beautiful lace Christmas tree. I always enjoy setting up the tree and admiring the lace ornaments that so many of you contributed. Pittsburgh Lace Group is so fortunate to have so many creative, intelligent and caring members. I always get excited when its time to put up the tree, the ornaments that you put so much time and creativity into making is absolutely amazing. If you missed seeing the tree last year please come to the Nationality Rooms at the Cathedral of Learning, this is when we bring out the tree for the first time. After we demo at the Nationality Rooms we set up the tree at Grace Reformed Church, so join us any Thursday night to admire the tree. Many of us last year made the nativity set for under the tree. The Nativity set came from “New Christmas Lace 3” by Jana Novak. These are absolutely beautiful ornaments; you will want to see this nativity scene.
Robert will be home for Christmas. He has been in Australia for almost five months, he will be coming home December 12. I cannot wait to see him and to hear of his adventures. Robert had a great time camping through Tasmania on his spring break. He also received his scuba license during his break. He was diving off the Great Barrier Reef. He is having the time of his life! I just hope he wants to stay in the United States after all of his adventures in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand (in December).
Well, I hope to see you Thursday night and/or at the Nationality Rooms. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Theresa Troyan
No articles appearing in this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of the author.
Dues are due
It is again the time of year to think about annual dues and renewing subscriptions. The cost of membership is $15.00. Please send the form on the last page of the newsletter along with your check, made payable to Pittsburgh Lace Group to Joan Trimble, a.k.a. The Treasury goddess. Her address is, 3822 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. We should have a great year ahead.
Calendar of Future Events
Thursday night classes cancelled Nov. 24, Dec. 22, March 30
Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Thursday, Dec. 29 2005 6:00 P.M Christmas Party at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Sunday, January 1, 2006 Dues for 2006 are $15.00
Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Thursday, February 2, 2005 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Thursday, March 2, 2005 7:00 P.M. Regular Monthly Meeting at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Recent Appearances
Phipps Conservatory by Amy Gibbons
October 1st was International Lace making Day and we were fortunate to be able to demonstrate at Phipps conservatory. I was joined by Betsy, Dewi and Sonya. The conservatory is so nice now that construction has been completed. The gift shop is much bigger, and there is a small area that sells food with places to sit down, to eat. The flowers were wonderful and the people were bright. It was such a pleasure to demonstrate with such a lively group of women. Phipps was grateful to have us and invited us to come back next fall. I know that Theresa, Barb and Louise had lots of people to talk with on Sunday because it was a free day. Phipps is always a pleasure and they send their thanks.
Beginnings and Endings by Louise Chuha
If I didn’t know better, I would think this was the title for a writing workshop; and I would have said “No thank you, definitely not my thing!” Fortunately it was a much more interesting workshop on how to begin andfinish lace projects.
The presenter was Susan Wenzel, who owns a shop called Lacy Susan. (More about that later.) I especially enjoyed the workshop because we worked with Torchon lace, which happens to be my favorite.
We learned how to start a piece of lace from the footside, then from the headside, and then going straight across. We learned how to go around a corner and how to use “magic threads at certain places when starting a pattern, so that the finishing later on would be neat and hardly noticeable. All this in preparation for the next day.
The next day’s project was a little medallion worked in torchon, consisting of spiders and fans. The object was to begin the medallion, using our “magic threads” in the appropriate places, work the whole medallion, and then learn how to sew it together. Some of us had to be shown a second (or maybe third) time how to put in the “magic threads,” but we all got it eventually. Some of us with more imagination than I, actually planned the project using different colors of thread and got some really pretty results. Two or three people actually finished the medallion by the time the workshop ended, and several others finished theirs a short time later, (See pictures next two pages) This writer has not yet finished hers, but has very good intentions. Knitting sometimes gets in the way.
Now on to Lacy Susan’s shop! There were tables on 3 sides of the room filled with things!! There was a huge selection of thread, bobbin holders, bobbin winders, and many kinds of bobbins. (There was a quilted bobbin holder that called my name quite loudly, but I resisted because there were too many other things I wanted.) There were little cloisonné boxes to hold pins and needles etc. and several different objects that could be used for mounting lace. Across from the thread display, was a display of wonderful lace jewelry; and of course books, books, and more books which the group decided we couldn’t live without.
One of the things that really impressed me was a little section of s’Gravenmoerse lace with patterns and samples, and, of course, books. I’m looking forward to having a workshop some day on that kind of lace.
I almost forgot to mention the really great lunch, which we got to eat for two days. Everyone seems to come up with really good food whenever we have a workshop or a long meeting.
I really enjoyed the “Beginning and endings” workshop and I think it would be fun to have Susan as a teacher again.
Christmas Party by Amy Gibbons
With Russ’s retirement, we lost our main activity for the Christmas Party. After much discussion it was decided that with the holiday falling on the weekends, our Christmas Party would be on the Thursday between Christmas and New Years at the church. You are encouraged to bring your families and come early for dinner. We will begin at 6:00 instead of 7:00. Of course it will be pot luck which means extra good food. We will be having a special musical guest who should not be missed!! To further entice your family members, we could all bring lace that we have completed this year. Then perhaps they will be more understanding of our evenings out. I am sure that we will work out more exciting attractions for the party at the December meeting.
Finished Workshop Projects
by Gretchen Baudoux, Suzanne Potter & Theresa Troyan
Thursday Classes Cancelled
Be sure that you do not come to class on the Thursday nights, before
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and way in the future, before our Annual Meeting.
Nationality Rooms ~ December 4th
We gather again in the Croghan Schenley Room at the Cathedral of Learning. To set up the tree come at 11:00 otherwise we should be there from noon to 4:00. This is a wonderful way to kick off the holidays
McGinley House ~ December 11th
Monroeville Historical Society has asked that three or four of us demonstrate at their open house from 1:30 to 4:30 at the McGinley House They have an old lace pillow and would like us to straighten out the bobbins on it. That should be interesting and fun. A big thank you to Gretchen for the new site..
Directions: Go south on 48, bear left at the Y intersection, keep in the left hand lane to go to the hospital.
Turn left onto McGinley Drive, go down the road, past the hospital entrance. Health South will be on the right. McGinley House will be on the left
Please let Gretchen know if you will be able to demonstrate and call her with any questions.
Knit One opening by Amy Gibbons
September 10th, Knit One opened. Mike and I visited the new store. It was not where I expected it to be, but was up the hill, past Poli’s Restaurant so if you go, keep looking. the address is 2721 Murray Avenue. It is a large. brightly colored, well lit store, with lots of room for people to sit around and chat while they are knitting. Yarn galore and plenty of books. If you are interested in classes, they are listed on the web site or call 412-421-6666.
Thank you from Tracy and Betsy
As many of you may know Betsy and Tracy both lost their fathers since the last newsletter. PLG sent a donation to the Cancer Society in memory of Tracy’s father and a basket of food to Betsy and Roy.
We received these notes:
To All members of the Pittsburgh Lace Group – Your kindness & generosity to the memory of my father are greatly appreciated. thank you, Tracy Jackson
Dear Pittsburgh Lace Group Friends,
Thank you for the outpouring of sympathy, prayers, cards, and for the delicious food during our time of loss. We appreciate your kindness and friendship more than we can say.
Although we miss Dad so much, we know he is at peace. We are comforted by knowing our friends have been there for us.
May God bless you all.
Betsy & Roy Sykes & Family
More Workshop Pictures and – A note from Susan Wenzel – Dewi’s project
Hi All,
Just a short note to thank you all for a GREAT weekend. I enjoyed meeting those of you who I had not met before plus seeing those of you who I already knew. You are a wonderful group. I saw this all weekend but it was especially obvious the way you all pitched in to help clean up. I really do feel that you all would be wonderful hosts for an IOLI convention sometime.
Anyway, thank you all. I do look forward to coming back to teach ‘s Gravenmoerse next fall or the following spring. Susan
ed. note see next article.
Save these Dates
To make your planning easier future workshops are being scheduled on the third weekend in May and October. The first Saturday in April is the Annual Meeting and the First Sunday in December is the Nationality Rooms. In May, 2006 Debbie Beever will be teaching Cantu. In October, 2006 Robin Panza will come backto teach us Rosalibre. In May, 2007 Susan Wenzel will teach s’Gravensmore. Sonya Hanczar has been asked to teach Felting at this coming April’s Annual Meeting. If there is something that you would like to learn, or someone you would like to have teach, please contact the vice president. If we are consistently on these dates, then perhaps you will be able to remember the dates to save when you are making plans.
Library Changes
Several people have left checks in the envelope after they have returned books. Since banks will not honor checks over six months old, they have been shredded. When checking out a book, please see if it has an index card inside the front cover. If not, make one with the title of the book and author, Then add your name and the date you are taking the book. Put the card, along with a valid check for fifty dollars made out to PLG in the envelope. When you return the book, remove the index card and your check. Put the date you returned the book on the card and put it inside the front cover of the book before you return it to the shelf. Please try to return the book within a month. Let’s try to keep Suzanne’s job as librarian easy. We are fortunate to have such a great library. Several new titles were added after the last workshop.
“Devon Trolly Lace – The Lost Lace of the Devon Coast” by Gretchen Baudoux
Written by Carol McFadzean, who describes her excitement over being asked to examine the contents of a bag of dealer’s lace found in the in the Woodbury Salterton Primary School and finding it to hold examples of historic Trolly Lace- over 700 samples dating to the 18th century , and a sachet bag and sampler for Queen Victoria.
She tells of her research into the history of the patterns, lace-makers and the social conditions of the era. Trolly laces evolved from those brought to England by refugees from France, Belgium, and The Netherlands. The distinguishing feature of Trolly lace was the “coarse” thread that outlined the pattern.
The book has colored photographs of the laces contained in the bag. Forty patterns were redrawn and presented here with pictures of the lace and working diagrams.
The author‘s obvious enthusiasm for research of lace-making can be easily seen.
“An Introduction to Bucks Point Lace” by Gretchen Baudoux
Written by Jean Leader,this little book is a very comprehensive how-to for Bucks Point.
Pattern 1 gives diagrams and directions for point ground. The succeeding fifteen patterns are for edgings and motifs, each introducing new techniques. The contents page is a quick reference to techniques listed for each pattern.
The written directions and working diagrams are helpful and easy to follow, however the author encourages you to work out your own variations and methods for different effects.
Pittsburgh Lace Group
More Book Reviews
” TATTING Artistry in Thread” by Theresa Troyan
Written by Helma Siepmann, and translated from German by Etha Schvette
This is by far the most beautiful tatting book I have ever seen!! Josephine rings and Picots rings are used in every project. All sorts of leaves and petals are made using those two rings. Tatting has been around for many years, but Helma Siepmann brings an artistic approach to tatting. She believes everybody can form their own tatted artistry in thread. Helma shows how to tat flowers leaf shapes, trees, shrubs and landscapes. She puts many of her designs on silk paintings or uses pictorial representation. This book introduces five new tatting stitches; some designs call for three shuttles. I do believe most if not al l projects can be done using tatting needles. Over the next couple of weeks I plan on using my needles and make one of her projects. If you want to see artistic creativity at its finest look at Helma Siepmann book, and let your own creativity flow.
“Luton Lace Treasury, Vol. 1” byAmy Gibbons
Written by Sally C. Barry, this amazing pattern book contains fifty patterns and working diagrams of lace found in the Luton Museum’s “Lace Dealer’s Pattern book”. It also contains information about the book itself. This book is the first of several volumes. It contains simple patterns as well as beautiful advanced patterns for beautiful point ground lace. If you are looking for inspiration or for a pattern to work at you level of ability, be sure to check this book out.
“Honiton, – basic technical instruction book” by Amy Gibbons
Published by The Lace Guild in England this book is exactly what it’s title says. If you haven’t done any Honiton lately, it will bring you back up to speed. If you are a beginner, this book will help you keep the basics at hand. If you are looking for a different way to do something it will give you ideas. There is a basic vocabulary of Honiton words and symbols at the beginning of the book. The instructions and diagrams are clear and easy to follow. They explain how different lace related tasks are completed in Honiton techniques. It is 41 pages of intense technique related information. This is a useful tool for the group to have.
Call for Contributions Call for Contributions
As always, any and all contributions to this newsletter are most welcome. Any news about members, other lacemakers, bobbins, threads, patterns, books, ideas pictures send ‘em and keep ‘em coming!
Amy’s Lace and a Christmas ornament made by Joan Trimble from our collection
Butterflies by Barbara Bulgarelli
Send a e-mail to Pgh Lace Group for a copy of the butterfly pattern that appeared in the printed newsletter.
No articles appearing in this newsletter may be reproduced without the express permission of the author.
Mike and I have known Barb Bugarelli for more years than we have been married. I was really pleased to renew our acquaintance five years ago at the IOLI Convention in Indianapolis. . I would like to thank her for the generous offer of this pattern for our newsletter. It could be used with many different threads and fillings. It could also serve as an inspiration to encourage us to realize what we can do with a some imagination Barb, thank you so much. Amy
Pittsburgh Lace Group
A SUMMER ADVENTURE (Continued) in the next issue) by Sonya Hancsar
Despite Sonya’s best efforts, the rest of the story did not get here in time for inclusion in the newsletter. Hopefully we will be able to resume her story in the next issue. Fortunately I received the following article for us with very welcome news about Robin.
.Letter from the Frontier by Robin Panza
I feel like I’m out in the wilderness, and I’m writing home to my loved ones back east. Hence the title. I miss you guys and I’m so glad I can keep in touch with your lace doings through the newsletter.
I wanted to tell you about the lace day I went to a couple of weeks ago. Los Angeles is a lot larger than Pittsburgh, so naturally there are more lace makers. Lace Day with the Freeway Lacers was bigger than I expected. I haven’t been active in any group this past year, so I found out about the lace day through the internet lace group, Arachne. I heard Snowgoose was going to be the vendor, and called the Freeway Lacers to find out more. No, there would be no workshop, but there would be demonstrations. And no, Snowgoose had to cancel because of illness. So I almost didn’t bother going; the location was about 1.5 hours away, across downtown. A lot of driving, a lot of traffic hassle, for what?
Well, I’m sure glad I went! Snowgoose wasn’t there, but they had about a dozen vendors! Provo Enterprises is local, which I didn’t know; Unique Expressions came all the way from Oklahoma; the Village Spinning and Weaving Shop came from Solvang (a Danish community about 3 hours Northwest of LA); the Lace Museum in Sunnyvale (near San Francisco) had a booth; and I even got to chat with Louise Colgan (representing IOLI), and Russ from Robin and Russ. He was selling off yarns and threads, and I got some gorgeous undyed silk for a song. There were several smaller sellers there, too, as well as a consignment table. And right away, I hooked up with the Moonlight Lacers, the lace group that meets about a mile from my Mom’s house. I haven’t been active with them because they meet on the night of my computer class, but Corie was excited to see me and I rejoined. I also joined the Lace Museum and the Freeway Lacers, so I should be able to find out more about local lace events now.
Of course, I spent entirely too much money! I got Pat Read’s newest Milanese book, and Ulrike Lohr’s latest volume of “Feel Good Grounds” (Viele Gute Grunde), and another booklet by her, a spectacular fan pattern with a bunch of size variations to fit different numbers and lengths of fansticks. I went over to the tatting demo and she sat me down and started me yet again on tatting. I think it actually took, this time! Some women were working on a beaded snowflake pattern and I scribbled down some notes about it and went home to try it. I’ve got half a snowflake done, in size 50 variegated crochet thread (the Turkish stuff that Tray sells), and of course had to buy a tatting book at the show. Just a few bobbins—I was very good, but Provo Enterprises carries John Aebi and Simone Toustou stuff, and Unique Expressions had Stuart Johnson (my absolute favorite bobbin maker).
All in all, I had a wonderful, exhausting time and am recharged for getting back to bobbin lace (and tatting). But I miss you guys!